Last Show
Hello Heathens,
Well this is the last show on KSUA. I’m sad that after so many years of being on this station that it’s coming to an end (for now), but I’m sure that with the move some changes to the show format will come. As I said in my last post, I’m excited to play music that isn’t FCC clean, and to be able to swear on air.
When Harry Peterson and Larry Kensington invited me on to the show as a 3rd mic 13 years ago I never would have anticipated that I’d be around until now. I am glad that I’ve managed to reinvent the show in so many ways. I miss doing bits with the boys and showing up hungover, but I think the recent months have been the best the show has been in years. Everything we did back in the day was off the cuff, nothing was prepared, and most of our mic breaks had technical issues when I was running the board. I wouldn’t trade those early days for anything. I have some of them recorded and should find a way to upload them for wider distribution.
This last playlist is mostly songs that we used to play a lot on the show, and I left a few slots open for requests from Larry (he had to work and couldn’t make it in) and Harry.
Thanks for supporting and listening to the show on KSUA, and I hope that you enjoy this last episode.
Keep Heavy the Sabbath Day